People love wine. What’s not to love, really? However, some experienced drinkers lament at all the myths and misconceptions that the masses have on wine, not because the false information destroys its image (nothing can ever do that), but rather because a lot of these myths and misconceptions keep new enthusiasts from fully enjoying the experience.
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Let’s look at some of the misconceptions about wine and the truths behind them.
The truth is the age of the wine has very little to do with its quality. This is only true in so few cases (pun unintended). What wind drinkers should know is that most wines are best in their first two years from being released. Rare wines that get finer with age are few and are too difficult to maintain.
Legs and tears
Legs and tears refer to the streaks of wine in a glass. They refer to the wine’s viscosity and alcohol content, and nothing more. A general rule of thumb is that fatter streaks mean the wine is more alcoholic.
Some people disturbingly think that caviar is best consumed with champagne and vice versa. Nope. Champagne is an acidic wine and needs a partner that’s fried, like chips.
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Much like the errant champagne-caviar connection, dessert wines do not exist the way people think they do. If you’re eating dessert, which is already sweet, it will usually eliminate the flavor of the wine. Moscato is probably best for dessert.
Hi there! I’m Doug Grady, an Austin, Texas-based realtor. When I’m not busy with work, I make it a point to have a laidback weekend and enjoy the finest bottle of wine. More on my work and interests here.